But before I begin telling you all about our Christmas celebrations, I want to share what we did on another day of our Hawaiian vacation...another day in paradise!
On Tuesday, we actually did two hiking tours. Believe me...I still ask myself what were we thinking taking two hiking tours in one day. And I'm proud to say, no ambulances were needed for us or anyone else due to passing out, etc. And of course, we had an amazing, fun time, we saw some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever set my eyes on, and we most definitely got our exercise.
So the first of our tours was that morning, and we hiked up to the top of Diamond Head Crater, one of Hawaii's most famous landmarks. It was actually formed more than 100,000 years ago and was used as a strategic military lookout in the early 1900's. It became a National Natural Landmark in 1968, and is an extremely popular hiking destination because of the views from up top of Waikiki and Oahu's South Shore.

The hike to the top includes two sets of stairs, for a total of 175 steps - not that we were counting (I actually looked it up on-line after we got back to our hotel because I was totally curious by then). We were both just trudging forward the best we could and taking breaks here and there (of course, I had to take breaks to snap pictures - okay, that was totally an excuse, but it was a good one right?).

Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out. We made it! And so this is the part where we're thinking, "That was soooo worth it!"

Absolutely stunning! And if we ever went back, I would love to do it all over again at sunrise and sunset/night time. I can imagine that it's even more breath-taking then!

We definitely spent quite a while up there just taking it all in (yes, and resting...I'll admit it) before making our way back down.

Yeah, going down was waaaay easier than going up.

Gatorade and Manoa Waterfall...here we come!
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