Today, Jim and I are celebrating twelve years of marriage.
I still can't believe it when I say it, and I've literally been saying it all day...all week really!
But besides thinking back on this day, twelve years ago, and talking about what we were doing each hour, how crazy in love we were, how distraught my mom must have been because her little girl (the "baby" she calls me) decided to elope (Well...not really, I guess. My parents knew about us deciding about a week prior to get married at a Montgomery, Alabama courthouse...despite the fact that we had a traditional wedding planned for September - the whole nine yards as in a wedding gown, musicians, bridesmaids, groomsmen, caterers, a dj, etc.), and how we would probably kill Jake if he ever decided to do the same thing one day, we have also been preparing for a real deal, roughing it, camping trip beginning tomorrow morning.
Yep, in less than ten short hours, we will be on the road to Desoto State Park in Ft. Payne, Alabama.
Nope! No modern campsite for us! We will be pitching a tent, making a campfire, hiking until we drop, swimming under waterfalls, and helping Jake catch the "shark" he plans on reeling in with the new fishing pole Jim bought him from Academy today.
I'm literally so excited that I can't sleep.
But I best try because morning will be here before I know it, and I still have a few things to pack (like bandaids, neosporin, OFF insect repellent, more OFF insect repellent, and just for good measure, a Citronella candle to keep the bugs away).
Oh! And Happy Anniversary to my wonderful, amazing, loving, hubby and best friend! I love you truly, madly, and always!
Oh! And one more thing...well maybe two things! In case you were wondering...we definitely still had our traditional wedding in September. And when we celebrate that anniversary, I promise to share some pictures of us saying "I Do" the way my mom always dreamed I would. And just in case you were wondering how she's holding up today...she's just glad God knew what He was doing because we definitely didn't!
It's fun to say, "I told you so!", though. Love you to pieces, Mom!
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