So I sat down tonight to go through the pictures from our trip to DC that we were on this time last week - this was
after I had made at least four phone calls to four different people (one of them being Jake's pediatrician) trying to see if anyone else's toddler has ever had
really swollen lymphnodes (Yes, Jake's are huge. This is a first (for us). I have no idea why they're swollen...and I'm worried. Apparently there's not much I can do from home, but I do have an appointment for him first thing in the morning) and
after we ate dinner and
after we played and
after we watched Dancing With The Stars (well, after
I watched Dancing With The Stars) and
after Jake went to bed around 9.
These are in no particular order; although we did see the
Capitol first...

just because it was only two blocks away from the hotel where we stayed.

The cherry blossom trees were in bloom...

and surrounded the entire basin around the Jefferson Memorial.

While I took pictures...

Jim napped.

We walked our way to here...

to see the White House.

It was beautiful. And we took it all in - no matter how much our legs and feet ached.

The entire city was beautiful actually. And I can't wait to share more pictures.
But first I need to get some rest...and take Jake to his pediatrician.
So for now, Goodnight!

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