If you asked either one of them, they would probably say they are more in love with each other now than ever.
They met on a blind date.
My dad was the first to say "I love you." My mom's reply was, "I'm not so sure that I love you." Some how, some way, he made her sure.
My mom often tells me that even though I was a surprise, I "completed" our family.
I think they complete each other.
My mom also often (okay, more like any time she can find a listening ear) tells us how they spent their first six months of marriage apart...my dad on orders in Turkey and her living at home saving every dime she made to pay to ship her belongings to where he was.
They became parents after 5 years of marriage, and then again at 10 (If you ask my sister, she might tell you those 5 years of being an only child where "golden.").
They have put God first in their lives and our family for as long as I've lived.
Their example inspires me and lifts me higher.
I feel more gifted than I deserve to be their daughter.
I love them both with all of my heart.
And I wish them the Happiest 43rd Anniversary any couple could ask for (I've been told they plan to spend it working on a house that's being built for Habitat for Humanity and then have lunch at Red Lobster. Sounds like a pretty good anniversary to me!).
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