

So I just looked up at the clock in the upper right hand of my screen, and I realized that Jake's fifth birthday party will be on in just twelve short hours. And today, I've spent the day getting ready by vacuuming green skittles from underneath his bed (Yep. Found two of 'em.), pealing purple gum from the bottom of his trashcan, and mopping dried spaghettios off the kitchen floor. I love to think that I'm one of the cleanest people I know; but seriously, a day like today makes me wonder. 'Sigh.' I made my last trip to Target and confirmed a cake order at Publix and the arrival of the Tumblebus. Man, I'm excited. This is a first for Jake. And I don't mean a real deal birthday party - he's had four of those already. But this one is the first that we've invited his friends and classmates. Until now, it's just been immediate and extended families, and he's loved them all. But this one he's really looking forward to. He's asked me sooo many times who's coming, and he repeats the list of names over and over. Love it! And I made a promise before I leave town on Sunday to share a few photos from his big day. So until tomorrow.....

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