The Blue Angels are here for the third time which is pretty special. Even just the noise they make, to me, is the coolest thing, and it's something we only hear a few times in the Fall when there's flyovers for football games.
Jake is as excited to watch them as he would be if he got to actually be the pilot himself. **He was 22 months when they came to T-town for the first time. Gosh, he was still a baby then.**
So the municipal airport is where he and Jim are spending their day. And I'm spending mine - still in my pj's - at home with Parker.
I got a call late yesterday morning from Ms. Jen (his preschool teacher). She said he was running a fever of 100.9, so I made an appointment for him at 2:45. Dr. B. told me his right ear was red, red, red; so we're treating it with the pink stuff (Amoxicillin, one teaspoon, twice a day).
He's still not up for much play this morning, so I'm doing some of his favorite things when "s" to him stands for sick - reading and rocking. As a working mom, the reality sometimes of our weeknights is that even though my goal for the time we do have to spend together is to say all the "I love you"'s that they didn't hear me say from eight to five, Monday through Friday, what I'd really rather do is come home to an empty house and not have to do one single thing. My patience is thin, and it just doesn't happen. Everyone's tired - I'm even more tired - and we're all just trying to survive each other until the lights go out.
Today, I'm making up for those weeknights when things don't go as planned, and I'm enjoying it - minus the ear infection, cranky baby part.
I hope you're enjoying your day too.