Birthday party. Check.


Whew!  Birthday party...check.  Because I just crashed afterwards yesterday (Why do birthdays equal exhaustion?), I still haven't sorted through pictures from his big day.  So until Tuesday - his actual birthday (Because tomorrow our place will be crowded with friends watching a little something called Alabama football.), here is one that I took of the soon-to-be-birthday-boy's Big Brother doing one of the things that he does best - raiding our night.

A snack just before bedtime is a never-fail request from him.  Oh and this kid can't wait for his birthday.  He can sing the months of the year song perfectly, but bless his heart, he still doesn't understand the concept of time between each one.  He's been asking me since I started prepping for Parker's when it's going to be his.

Breathe...Roll Tide...and let the planning for the big number 6 begin!


  1. Oh I always crash after parties also. looking forward to some great pictures!!! We party Friday WHOOO for 2!

  2. He is such a little doll! ROLL TIDE!

  3. Birthday parties drain the life outta me!! And Roll Tide! :)

  4. Thanks, Tesha, Sara Beth, and April!!!
