the Tennessee Aquarium - We're lovin' it!


Writer's block or trying to save our favorite exhibits for last - I'm not sure which is to blame, but I haven't wrapped up our trip to the aquarium. 

We all have our reasons for loving it so much.  

Jim is just tickled that we used our annual family pass that he bought when he was there for work a few months ago at least once.  

Parker walked both buildings from end to end including the "viewing" ledges.  Absolutely nothing could steal his joy.  

Jake touched the backs of every stingray way too many times for my taste.  

And for me it was the otters, the penguins (If it was legal and livable for either of them, my backyard would be their home.  The animal lover in me came out big time, and it was hard to pull away - for all of us really.) and what Jake said to Jim when we got out of the car to go in - "Dad!  Do you know how much I love you for bringing me here?  More than the whooooole world!"



  1. How fun! Your kids are adorable. So are those penguins:)

  2. I, too, would have a backyard of otters. I love this post and I Love how sweet Jake is! Every time the dawn soap commercial with the little otter comes on I will ooohhh and ahhhh and finally one day Sam said, "Mom, don't worry I will go get you one, OK?" He still says it when we come across that commercial or see one in a picture. I just love them! Great pictures!

  3. Thanks, Leanne and Sara Beth!! XOXO ~Cindi
