What's on your plate?


There's a whole lot of new things on his.

Making the transition from 2nd Foods to whole foods is a hard one for me. When Jake was his age, 3rd Foods weren't an option (Oh, he just gagged and gagged anything and eeeeeeverything with texture.), and at some point between then and eighteen months old, I remember wondering if I needed to seek the medical attention of a straight up specialist to find out if he would ever be able to actually chew and swallow food.

But Baby...he's making me look like I know what I'm doing.

He's dabbled his little fingers in turkey and carrot ravioli and throws back those Lil' Crunchies like he's a ten year old tossing pieces of popcorn into his mouth.

He turns into an animal when he sees a bag of banana yogurt melts and shares a cup of applesauce with his big brother on most nights of the week.

The cookies shaped like bananas are a religious practice, and we're stockpiling containers of Sweet Potato puffs.

Table foods...and escalated grocery bills...here we come!

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