Our Thanksgiving Day yesterday was simple but one of the best days. We spent it at my parent's house. My mom and sister cooked, my dad and I put away the pumpkins and pilgrims and set out the poinsettias and Christmas ornaments, and Jim kept Jake, Parker, and Emily busy outside hunting squirrels. We spent just one night (Wednesday) and came home early yesterday afternoon (about two o'clock). My mom and dad have had the boys since last Friday when my mom left with them right after the Grandparents' Day program at Jake's school, so we kept our time at a minimum so they would have as long of a much-needed (I'm sure...even though they wouldn't dare admit it.) break as possible before we see them again this coming week (My mom is still our "preschool" for Parker until the middle of December.), and it was just the right amount of time together.
I know I've been posting a lot of videos lately (You can tell how much my iPhone has changed my life. I got it just before the new five came out, and I really think I've recorded more video since then than I have in two years.), but I couldn't help but share just one more. This is from Jake's Thanksgiving feast at his school. It's his class singing their daily lunch-time prayer - giving thanks to the One who deserves all of our "Thanks You's"...because without Him, we would have nothing.