talk to the hand


While Jake still has the rest of this week and weekend left that he can call "Summer", Parker's "Move Up" day was yesterday.  He got two new teachers, a few new classmates (including a set of twins - one boy, one girl), and I dropped him off with a nap mat for the very first time.  Sigh.  No more crib-sleeping at school for him.  

He did awesome.  I knew he would when he waved at his BFF, Ethan, when he saw him in the parking lot in addition to the fact that his first (I hate to say old.) teacher started transitioning all of them to their new surroundings and schedules back in June.  As for me, I handled it all so well until I stopped by the infant/purple room that he just moved from to say hello.  It was full of new three, four, and six month olds in bouncy seats and swings and sitting up on their own...just barely.  Ahhh....that was him just last week right?

How in the world has he gone from hanging out in a bouncy seat and drinking formula from a bottle to leaving hundreds of handprints on our windows and doors so quickly?