Swimming 101


This week Jake started something new - swimming lessons.

He took them over a year ago every Saturday for a month. But it was cold out - which means we couldn't continue to work with him - and we barely made it to the pool all Summer.

Fast foward to now, and he's still not at a skill level where I would say he really, really knows how to swim.

The session he's in right now is Monday through Thursday for two weeks straight.  We thought consistency would be the best thing, along with warm enough temps outside to be able to give him some practice on the weekends.

He totally reminds me of me at his age...he absolutely loves, loves, loves the water.

And Parker - well, he just loves eating his snacks while we watch Brother swim.

What he doesn't love is the fact that he can't get in with him or reach the shark? dolphin? that hangs from the ceiling close to where we always sit.  He points, reaches, and squeals, I have to say "No", and then he freaks out.  

I'll just be glad when we have a real swimmer on our hands, and I don't have to freak out about him being near big pools of water.

A sucker at the end of every class....YUM!!!!!!