Ever feel like you just grabbed two weeks worth of pages on one of those little tear-a-page-a-day calendars and ripped them off at once? That pretty much sums me up today.
Just thought I would get that out of the way.
A week ago today, I took Parker to see Dr. B. for his four month well baby visit. And well he is.
Besides being well, he's also weighing in at fourteen pounds, nine and one half ounces and is towering above anything and everything shorter than he is at twenty-five inches tall (or long...either way works for me). We answered "yes" to every question Dr. B. threw at us as far as his development goes, Parker flashed him a few smiles, and we were cleared for take-off on spoon feeding. We left his office with two band aids and two appointments (one for his six month well baby visit and one for physical therapy). Yes...physical therapy. It seems Parker has what is called Infant Torticollis. And it's all my fault. His uteri quarters were too close for comfort (literally), and the muscle called the Sternocleido Mastoid on the left side of his neck is...well...stiff.
So this past Thursday, we went to his first physical therapy appointment. We met Melinda and Diane. We also saw Michelle who I had no idea worked there. But that's beside the point. Melinda told us we couldn't have had Parker in better hands. The fact that Dr. B. noticed it this early was huge (Parker's case is not a severe one, so only he or someone who's used to seeing it would have known.). Like she explained - trying to stretch the neck of a crawling or walking toddler is
way harder than trying to stretch a four month old infant who really has no other options (Sounds kind of cruel, but it's really not. I wish someone would lay
me on
my side in their lap and tilt
my head sideways super gently.). She demonstrated for me exactly what to do with him at home, and that's just how we do it...multiple times a day.
After just one week, I would almost swear he's sitting up a little straighter already.
But I'm just a proud momma, so we'll take him back once more in June and have Melinda tell me for real if he's holding that neck of his straighter or not.
I'll keep you posted.
And then there's Jake - our healthy (other than the scar above his right eye) T-Ball player.
Seriously, is his expression and stance at the plate not the funniest thing?
He does these same moves every.single.time he's at bat. He never fails.
And it cracks me up!
This was him...playing for the Green Machine this past Saturday.
His Grandma watched his very first game, but his Grandpa, Aunt Cathy, and cousin Emily had not seen him play.
So they came this past weekend,
wore their jackets (Holy cow where did this sixty degree weather come from?),
and cheered him on.
Besides the Sandlot baseball field, they also went with us to Wagner's to buy Emily a pair of sandals to wear at her Kindergarten graduation today (Way to go, Emily! We are proud of you and all that you've accomplished this year!) and a pair of Keen's to wear whenever she feels like it before we took it to the house for pizza, Buckeroo Bars (I have no idea if there's a recipe out there for those. I bought them from one of my coworkers who was doing a fundraiser for her daughter's preschool. Can we say addictive?), and Kool-Aid Jammers.
So much fun.
So much sugar.
So much love from his Grandpa.
But not much T-Ball left to play in this season.
Just two more games, and this season is over.