"My make tiwer!"


The silence has been deafening here, I know. I've had so much crowding my mind and my thoughts lately, and unfortunately for this url, it's the one thing that lets me hide...overthink...and just simply be quiet.

In the mean time, my favorite lens went m.i.a. I lost it somewhere between our garage and our garage, so my project 365 is completely shot. I've only picked up my camera a few times, and this was one of them.

The current phase for the little kid is building towers out of blocks. Such serious work for him it is. When he gets it like he likes it, he'll of course knock it down and start right back over. Oh, and the taller the better. His preschool director shared with me one day when I picked him up that she had helped him climb a ladder to stack the ones he plays with there fifty-six blocks high.

Go big or go home, Baby. You got it.