Weekend Finale - Let There Be Light


After last night's Chick-fil-A dinner (Jake's choice...and Parker ate his first chicken nugget. Way to be a big boy, Baby!), we made a trip to Lowe's for yard stuff. Flower beds lookin' good...Check!

While Jim hauled away weed-n-seed, pine bark nuggets, and landscape fabric, the boys and I hung back in the store. Jake climbed on top of a cardboard race car covered in those shamrocks with names of customers who have donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association while Parker exceeded the legal unhealthy limit of cookie consumption. Perfect! (Oh I love how after I yell, "Oh my lord! Get off of there now!" and put the ones back on that he pulled off when he crawled UP and DOWN the front hood, I can just let it roll right off - especially when all I really want to do is look at replacement light fixtures.).

Pretty shortly after, Jim came back, and we hit up the outdoor lighting aisle for something new to flank our garage doors.  We chose allen + roth Black Iron. And as of this afternoon, it was out with the old...

and in


the new!

Looooove the difference they make! I'm so amazed at how updating one little thing definitely easy and pretty inexpensively can bring on some major curb appeal.

Suh-weet! Thank you, Buddy!