I had two strangers ask me yesterday when in the world I was due to have Parker - all because I "look like I'm ready to pop." Awesome!
Jake has been in our bed since 1 am. He went for quite a stretch of staying in his own bed, at least a good month or so. But for the past two weeks, he has stalked my side of the bed, climbing in with random things in tow (his blanket that he'll probably go to college with, his Toy Story garbage truck stuffed with Matchbox cars, and let's not forget the green aliens from the same movie or the Batman that sits on my bedside table at this very moment).
Last night Jim went to a meeting at Jake's preschool about what to expect as he enters K-4 in the Fall. He said he was more than glad he took one for the home team and went to that one himself. He was blown away by just how different his routine will be and what a big boy he will become next year. Sniff...sniff...
The Bachelor started on Monday night (which has me now saying T.G.I.M), and I just have a few words - Fangs, Hot Pink Wedges, Ruby Slippers (only they weren't really slippers), and Slap-in-the-face.
The alarm on Jim's cell phone jams every morning to "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and The News.
Now that I mention alarms, mine is about to do the same thing, so I guess it's about time I get my day on.
haha! The fangs killed me too!! I kept saying, "Surely this isn't for real?!"