Jim threw in the towel on trying to make it to midnight at around 8 o'clock, but Jake and I are still going strong. Jake is reclining on our couch next to me watching Thundarr the Barbarian on the Boomerang channel, and I'm battling reflux/indigestion, checking my e-mail, making umpteen trips to the bathroom because I've had well over the recommended intake of water, and debating on whether or not to eat just one or maybe even two more of the cookies Jim baked earlier tonight.
Today has been oh so fun! The weather has been warm - warm enough for Jim to play a round of golf while I actually did things that make me feel like I'm a stay-at-home-mom all over again. After an episode of Live with Regis and Kelly and The Martha Stewart Show, Jake and I started our day off with an hour at the Children's Hands On Museum and a run through the drive-thru at McDonald's for lunch. After two episodes of Caillou, chicken nuggets, french fries, and one fish sandwich later, we spent the next two hours outside. Jake rode the new Toy Story scooter he got from his grandparents for Christmas like he stole it, hit a few golf balls, flipped over backwards on his swing set (Yeah, that wasn't the best part of our day, but I thought I would share it anyway.), and antagonized our two dogs (or at least that's how they see it) while he found a place for me to rest (He really and truly did. "Mommy, you sit right here and rest, alright? And you can watch me, okay?) and watch it all.
One three-year old bathed and a little bit of making sense out of the chaos in our den later (chaos equals white powder from donuts eaten for a snack on the floor, superhero figures lined up neatly on our coffee table, and orange bullets from his Nerf gun stuck to the walls), Jim came home. We ordered dinner out, rented a few movies, and it was off to dreamland for me. I woke up around 6:30 with completely unswollen legs (Yes, they are back to normal now ninety percent of the time.) and the taste of acid in my mouth from this case of reflux I've got. Jim baked cookies, we talked a while, and I handed off the sleep baton.
Now here we sit, and since I've been typing, Jake has drifted off to sleep next to me on the couch. It's also raining cats and dogs outside which I guess means no fireworks for anyone who bought them (we did not).
I'm waiting for the ball and Parker to drop. Yes, I can't honestly say it's about time. It's been real, it's been fun, (though not always real fun), and I'm ready to get this punkin' here safe, sound, and healthy. By the way, I don't think I've mentioned that my follow-up appointment this past Monday went terrific. My blood pressure was almost as good as new, and we got to take a peak at the baby himself. He weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces...almost as much as Jake did when he was born two weeks from this gestational age...and looked perfectly squished in his head-down position. I swear, if I could have reached in, grabbed him, and plopped him on my chest all by myself, I would have. Makes my head spin just thinking about what a unexpectedly blessed 2010 we've had and what an exciting 2011 it is to come!
Speaking of 2011, it won't be long now before it's here, I need to make another trip to the bathroom, Jake's bed is calling his name (Thank goodness because we aren't fitting on this couch so well anymore.), and I have some photos to edit that I took of him riding his scooter today, so I'm going to call it a wrap for this post.
Happy 2011, Everyone!
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